So it's that time of year where we're running low on laundry detergent! Please see our blog post from March 23, 2013, DIY Laundry Detergent. Last year, we spent $29.55. I forgot to account for the Baking Soda because I had used a box that I had on hand. This year, I spent $38.81 and I was able to find Zote soap (mentioned in How Does She?'s blog), and we changed up the scent of the Purex Crystals Fabric Softener to "Fresh Spring Waters".
- 1 (4 lb. 12 oz.) Box of Borax
- 1 (3 lb. 7 oz.) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
- 1 (4 lb.) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
- 1 (3 lb.) Container of OxyClean
- 2 (14.1 oz.) Bars of Pink Zote Soap
- 4 (28 oz.) Bottles of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener
Cost Break Down
Total Cost of ingredients listed above: $38.81Total ounces by weight = 383.2 oz.
2 Tablespoons = 1 oz. (for 1 load of laundry)
This means 383 loads of laundry at $0.10 per load.
Cost of living shows an increase of $0.02 per load of laundry expected for this year as opposed to last year. Still, that is LESS THAN $40 for laundry detergent. FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR.
As I said last year, "the math don't lie."
Picture Proof:

- Cut the Zote Soap into strips and then microwave.
- Use a Magic Bullet or food processor to puree the Zote Soap into a powder. If you don't want to use a processor, you can always use a cheese grater.
- Get a very large bucket and mix everything together. It is recommended that you layer the ingredients and mix thoroughly.
- You only need 2 tablespoons (even for the largest load of laundry)! The Purex Crystals lid is perfect for measuring.
Pictures (with comments)

The ingredients. List is above.

Zote soap.

Zote soap cut into strips. It felt like cutting through cheese.

What Zote soap looks like in the microwave.

Handy helper is amazed at what happens to Zote soap in the microwave.

Zote soap all pureed.

Handy helper mixing away!

Full bucket!

Empty containers then full containers.

Still have plenty in the bucket.

I put the rest in the old Tide box.

Time to do some Laundry!
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