So it's that time of year where we're running low on laundry detergent! Please see our 3 prior blog posts:
- June 27, 2015: DIY Laundry Detergent - Update for 2015
- February 18, 2014: DIY Laundry Detergent - Update for 2014
- March 23, 2013: DIY Laundry Detergent
Last year, we spent $39.86. This year, we spent $39.73 (decrease of $0.13). I used used Fels Naptha this year because I couldn't find the Zote soap. I also bought a cheap grater to grate the soap instead of microwaving and using the Magic Bullet. We used the same Purex Crystals Fabric Softener "Fresh Spring Waters" scent.
- 1 (4 lb. 12 oz.) Box of Borax
- 1 (3 lb. 7 oz.) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
- 1 (4 lb.) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
- 1 (3 lb.) Container of OxyClean
- 2 (14.1 oz) Bars of Fels Naptha
- 2 (48 oz.) Bottles of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener
Cost Break Down
Total Cost of ingredients listed above: $39.73Total ounces by weight = 367.2 oz.
2 Tablespoons = 1 oz. (for 1 load of laundry)
This means about 367 loads of laundry at about $0.11 per load.
Cost of living doesn't change, since I spent $0.13 less. Still, that is LESS THAN $40 for laundry detergent. FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR. (Actually, more than a year, since the last time we made it was in June of 2015).
As I said last year and the year before, "the math don't lie."
Picture Proof:

- Grate Fels Naptha until finished (tiring).
- Get a very large bucket and mix everything together. It is recommended that you layer the ingredients and mix thoroughly.
- You only need 2 tablespoons (even for the largest load of laundry)! The Purex Crystals lid is perfect for measuring.
Pictures (with comments)

The ingredients. List is above.

Ready to grate the Fels Naptha.

Grated Fels Naptha

Full bucket.

2 handy helpers!

Full containers.

Time to do some Laundry!
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